The Executive Senate Legislature is hereby authorised to form necessary Steering Committees on behalf of the Court of Governors as they may deem appropriate for the smooth operation of the University. The committees are formed to executive or to legislate in major academic, professional and vocational matters significantly affecting more than one Academy of the University. The Steering Committees will implement and execute the vision and mission of the University. Committee of Conferment will consult and analyze degree awarding concepts and methods. This Committee’s prime concern to evaluate individual creden tials for honorary awards from the university and the affirmation of Professorships. Committee of Publication and Research will launch into publication of reading and research materials and to advice on all aspect of the University’s Business Development and Research Methodology. Committee of Academics will look into all aspects of Professional and Vocational Programmes of the University. Committee of Awards will focus and develop appropriate schemes for assessing and awarding appropriate Credit allocation for Prior Learning and Experiences and for assessment of the merits of each individual’s achievement. Committee of Ceremonies will focus and organize functions including annual graduation and alumni dinner.